Your very own track and trace...

Liam Whitaker
January 10, 2025

Q-TRACK, Track & Trace is ready to use

Q-TRACK, have designed a form to support their clients to understand the exact reasons for employee absenteeism and mitigate risk of virus transmission.

In the current climate ensuring your workforce is protected is more important than ever before.

The form asks all the right questions to safeguard employees, your business and any risk of complete closure.

Q-TRACK, Track and Trace form is available now. Like Q-TRACK it is so easy to edit and share as needed with your workforce, with fully auditable, tracked reports.

The form will also support the return to work process. It is ready and waiting...sign up today for a free no obligation 30 day trial!

We trust this has been helpful and if you need any further advice, please contact us at HERE Or why not check out our 'Introduction to Online Forms?'

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Liam Whitaker

Liam Whitaker is a tech enthusiast and seasoned writer with a knack for breaking down complex topics into engaging, easy-to-understand content. With a background in software development and over eight years of experience in content creation for SaaS platforms, Liam brings a unique blend of technical expertise and storytelling to the Q-Track blog. Passionate about helping businesses optimize their workflows, he writes about the latest trends in digital transformation, document management, and productivity tools. When he's not crafting insightful articles, Liam enjoys experimenting with new software and mentoring startups on effective digital strategies.

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